Facts straight from the Cat’s Mouth

Update: December 2023

Shelter Update- Wow. Things have been hopping! We offer our greetings to a new volunteer, Sue D..

The Board is also pleased to announce the addition of a new member, Bonnie S. from the Tinker area.

A number of factors have converged to increase demands on the Shelter. A combination of post Covid adoption rehoming, the financial stresses of pet ownership and the challenges of aninmals who have not been spayed or neutered have filled our Shelter to overflowing.

We urge everyone with pets to be responsible and ensure that they have been spayed or neutered, please!

Why do we ask for donations?

DOUBLE YOUR DONATION FUNDS until Dec 31st– type “match” in “Send a message to this charity”

Our expenses to operate the Shelter was just over $109,000 for the calendar year 2022, with a net yearly loss of nearly $6000.

As 2023 has progressed, the effects of post Covid inflation is continuing to adversely effect our expenses.

Our operating funds came almost totally through your donations and by participating in our 50/50, Chase the Ace and numerous community and web based fundraisers throughout the year.

Your support is vital and greatly appreciated.

At present, the majority of the animals that we care for are cats. We have put the infrastructure in place to accommodate dogs and are currently using a “foster family” model for dog intake.

In addition to the Shelter operation we also deliver community based programs,TNR, PAL, and SNAP programs in our geographic area. Presently we are among only two shelters in the province to provide these extra-shelter programs.

TNR= Trap Neuter Release- targets outdoor cats often living in abandoned structures. They are trapped, sterilized and returned to their location.

PAL= Prevent Another Litter- targets unsterilised moms….the kittens are surrendered to the Shelter, sterilized, then offered for adoption and the mother cat is sterilized free of charge and returned to the owner

SNAP= Spay Neuter Assistance Program- targets specified pet owners based on annual income to provide canine and feline spay and neuter services on a co-pay basis through Shelter associated veterinary professionals.

If you want to donate:

time- contact Amanda Ward Parish at…..amandawardparish@gmail.com

money- contact Sandra Green at……. sissonridge@gmail.com

You may also may also donate via online at: our donation page

We can’t do this alone….we need your help!

The Nitty Gritty:

The Victoria County SPCA is incorporated as the Victoria County Animal Shelter Inc.

The shelter is located at 2238 Route 109, Arthurette and you may visit, by appointment, between 11 am and 2pm, by phoning 506-356-1117.

Our Canada Revenue Agency Charity # is 119284008 RR 0001 and our Annual Charity Return details may be viewed on the CRA website at the CRA Charity Page

Our Mission is:

-To nurture the physical and psychological welfare of discarded, unwanted and often
abused animals.
-To adopt each animal to a suitable and caring home.
-To promote humane attitudes and responsible pet ownership through public
-To eliminate euthanasia as a means o controlling pet overpopulation.
-To protect and maintain the rights and dignity of all living things.