Croc Pot Cook-Off Rules

  • Entry form and fee must be received on before March 9th, 2025.
  • Each entry must have a completed entry form and paid entry fee of $20.
  • One entry per person: one dish per entry.
  • Entrants must supply their own ingredients, supplies, equipment, utensils, extension cord, and any other items required to prepare their chosen dish.
  • Entrants must make one full pot of their chosen dish. (at least 6 quart).
  • Entry fee includes table, tasting bowls, spoons, and napkins. In addition, each table will include a name/number card to keep judging anonymous.
  • Entrants can access the venue, (Plaster Rock Legion), at 10:00 AM to prepare their tables and warm their dishes.
  • The cookoff will be open to the public at 11:30 AM on March 15, 2025.
  • Judging of the entries will begin at 11:30 AM on March 15, 2025.

Awards and prizes will be announced and presented at 1:30 PM on March 15.

Prizes will be

First place: $100 Value, plus Trophy

Fan favorite: $50 Value, plus Trophy

The Victoria County SPCA would like to thank you for supporting this fundraiser! We appreciate you taking the time to enter a dish in the contest!

Enter Now for this fun event

Cook Off Registration

Entry form for Cook Off

"*" indicates required fields


Your Crock Pot Dish

If you already know what dish you will be making, please give us the information below. If you are unsure at this time, we will contact you closer to the event date to get the information.

Registration Fee ($20)

You can etransfer or hand in your registration fee. etransfer $20 to Please state name, tel# and Cookoff in message. Sec.Password is animal
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